Saturday, 04.20.2024
Location: Boat Launch area 264 N. Shoreline Drive, New London, NC 28127
Members: See list at end
Amber Garlatz (DSCA President) called the meeting to start. Tyler Garlatz started an online video for virtual attendees.
Ice Breaker
Find a new face and discuss at least one place you have lived (now or in the past)
Last Meeting Follow-up
Susan Blackmon (DSCA Secretary) reviewed the previous meeting notes held Virtual on January 27, 2024.
On that date it was discussed paid membership totals at that time were: 64/285 with 6 new members. Reviewed balance sheet, $6500 - $7,000 yearly needed to run organization; Need 135 members at $50 year to meet minimum.
Reviewed date for Dock Celebration Party for April 20, 2024.
Need to raise $750 with fundraiser
Fees for Airbnb
2023 taxes to be filed now that we are an official non profit community association.
2024 Considerations: Dock ideas, discussed stickers. Will send to current paid members. Cost of stickers $350 for 2 stickers per landowner.
Gate at boat launch and parking.
Budget and Financial Report
Keith Texlor (DSCA Treasurer) reviewed financials
102 Active Members
16 New Members
30 Members have not renewed
3 Members sold their property
$6,766 in annual dues collected
$66/Member average collected
$829 in the Dock Fund
$355 in the Road Fund
2023 tax return has been submitted to IRS
$6,217 in our bank account for general expenses
$700 Eagle Creek 2024 License has been paid
Common Area Liability Insurance due in June, expecting a renewal cost of $3100.
We have the funds to cover our current 2024 obligations! 🙂
Keith Texlor (DSCA Treasurer) then reviewed more in-depth the current insurance coverage we have and then discussed the need for additional coverage. Currently have $3,000 in cost for 1 million insurance coverage, no property insurance. Insurance premiums typically increase 5-10% yearly. Getting 5 million in liability will double the cost. Cube Hydro is now Eagle Creek.
2024 Goal: Renew our current Liability Coverage for $1M and increase to $2M (to be renewed June 2024)
2 yr goal: Increase liability to $3M and add $25K property coverage.
5 yr goal: Increase liability coverage to $5M to ensure we can adequately protect our access to the water and members from financial impairment.
Members discussion:
Some members voiced raising the yearly membership fee to $100 yearly. Other members vocalized that raising the membership would be a good move forward. Amount was not voted on at this time.
Rose Hammer (Previous president of prior Dixie Shores Association), stated that last year insurance was compliant.
Keith stated he reviewed all insurance documentation and we were not covered unfortunately. Keith stated that he reviewed all forms with an insurance representative and found the coverage was not enough and learned how to obtain enough insurance for legal purposes.
Questions raised about non property owners paying dues or a specific fee to use the boat launch area.
Question of fees for Airbnb owners.
Quorum Recognized: 23 present meets quorum. Motion 1: Susan Blackmon, Motion 2: Mac Jones.
Steve Spillers member, made a motion to include the non-voting members to be included with yearly fee. This would include our Charlotte Drive neighbors or fisherman who would like to pay dues to have access but would have no voting rights.
VOTE initiated and completed with a YES to allow non Dixie Shores residents access to the boat launch area for yearly membership fee with no voting rights.
YES Vote applied to our Quorum.Motion 1: Steve Spillers, Motion 2: Mac Jones
No Vote or further information completed on Fees for Airbnb owners at this meeting.
Members verbalized possible fees of $250-400 yearly for Airbnb owners due to increased usage, wear and tear on property.
New Business
2/5/10 year Goals
Discussion of 4 properties owned by DSCA Improvement Plan
Dock Lot 264 N. Shoreline Dr.
Step 1: completed - replace pier
Step 2: Add concrete pad, reflectors, additional cleats and a simple chain limiting access/use as a deterrent for non community people; add railroad ties to note parking spots. (ETA May 2024 with no additional fundraising needed)
2 yr. Goal: Survey land to understand space we are able to modify. $1200 in cost for the survey to be completed on boat launch land, mentioned by Jay Pridgen. Fill in the gravel ruts for a smoother driving surface. Add security cameras for monitoring use.
5 yr. Goal: Re-grade and pour concrete driveway that will include a roundabout and parking lot.
10 yr. Goal: Add a gated entry at the road. Consider additional amenities such as boat slips and a playground.
Mention of placing a fishing pier to the right side of the lot away from boat launch.
Beach Lot (Property beside of members Kim and Andy Therrien)
Step 1: Clear off the lot of any debris and brush (Actively seeking volunteers).
2 yr. Goal: Perform a survey on the lot to understand what space we are able to modify. Create steps leading down the lot for safe access.
5 yr. Goal: Add in seating areas and shade. Set up swim buoys for safety.
10 yr. Goal: To Be Determined
Skyline Drive Lot (Corner of Skyline Drive and Shoreline Rd)
Step 1: Set up “NO DUMPING” signs to reduce debris.
2yr. Goal: Set up a committee to research the lot and any possible use-cases for it
5yr. Goal: Perform a survey on the lot to understand what space we are able to modify.
10 yr. Goal: To Be Determined.
Shoreline Rd. Lot (near stop sign at N. Shoreline Dr. and Shoreline Rd.)
5 yr. Goal: Set up a committee to research the lot and any possible use-cases for it.
10 yr. Goal: Perform a survey on the lot to understand what space we are able to modify.
Taking action about boats sinking in water and docks. TBD
Discussed current issues in the news concerning Squatters that a couple of members had brought to our attention. Members agreed that in hope of permanent residents to take neighborhood watch.
Neighborhood watch, permanent residents: Jenny and Steve Spillers volunteered
Next Meeting Agenda Items
Vote to raise and establish a new yearly member fee from $50 to $100 starting for the 2025 fiscal DSCA year.
Vote for fee on Airbnb etc.
Meeting Adjourned
Dock Neighborhood Cookout/Fundraiser followed after meeting with a 50/50 Raffle