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Fall 2022 Meeting Notes with Attorney to discuss issues

Updated: Jan 25, 2024

This video is from a meeting held at Dixie Shores from Fall 2022.


The following are notes to the neighborhood following the meeting with Steve from Sept to Nov 2022. Wanted to give a quick update.  Steve has reviewed the information and believes there is enough to sufficiently prove to the courts that DSA has been in existence as early as the 1960's.  He is updating his prepared filing to reflect some of the information he received and will have a draft for review by the end of this week.  We will review and comment and/or approve so we can get the filing to the courts.  I will confirm with everyone when that is done.


Have a great weekend!


Hi everyone,


Wanted to get out an email to keep everyone up to speed on progress.  Steve Vining (attorney) has prepared the paperwork to submit to the courts, but before it can be entered, he is in need of as much information as possible supporting that DSA has been an association for a minimum of 20 years.  The farther back we can go the better.  Ideally, if we can connect the dots between Dixie Shores Corporation, Dixie Shores Realty Corporation and Dixie Shores Association, that would save a LOT of time and money.


Paul and Merrie Foster, the current Treasurer and Secretary respectively, have copied documents from their records and sent a set last week to both Steve and myself. Once received Steve will go through them to determine if there is enough information to support our request of the courts. If not, we will have to keep digging.


In the interim, any help from long term residents - those whose families have been here dating back to the 1950's - would be greatly appreciated.  But likewise, if anyone has any of the following information, please forward!  I'm also happy to come by and pick up anything you might have if that's easier.


1. Any documentation - can be emails, canceled checks, receipts, notices, minutes, contact lists, budgets, etc that go back at least 20 years and have to do with DSA.

2. Merrie was able to put together a list of board members going back to 1975. (Attached) Anyone who can fill in the blanks and/or go back even further, please let us know the names.

3. When was the sign at the dock installed and/or who installed it?  Any documentation supporting it.

4. When was the dock built and/or who built it? Any documentation supporting it.

5. Were roads ever repaired, dock ever repaired, right of ways ever cleared?  Any documentation supporting it.

6. Does anyone know the year that DSA was actually formed? Any documentation supporting it.

7. Does anyone know any person affiliated with Dixie Shores Corporation or Dixie Shores Realty Corporation?  Last names of known representatives were Rankin, Harris, Gorman, Wrenn, and Kelsey.  Maybe you know family members who could help with information.


Again, once Steve has enough information to support that DSA has been operating as an association for at least 20 years, we will be able to get this into the courts!  Thank you for your help in trying to track down some of this info.


Enjoy the rest of your day!


Rose Hammer

Dixie Shores Association



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