The goal of this article is to provide insights into the histories of various community associations. Understanding our history is crucial in comprehending our present situation. This piece compiles and presents historical notes for your information. However, please note that we do not guarantee the accuracy of this information. It is intended for informal use only and should not be relied upon for making significant decisions. Expert review is recommended for such purposes. Below is a year by year summary of what seems relevant and worthy of consideration:
While there is one saved document from 1964, there is then a leap to 1973 and then there are some missing years going forward. I’ve asked Merrie to forward the missing years if she has them, but this still provides a good overview.
Of special interest is the fact that AR Kelsey is the noted as President of the Dixie Shores Association on this document. He is also the person noted as President on the Dixie Shores Realty Corporation documents (the entity that the Dixie Shores Corporation deeded the right of ways to. It appears that DSA may have been created as a “committee” of DSRC. Just my thoughts. AR Kelsey pays dues until 1986 and then disappears. This is also when the tax deeds start going out, so I would assume this person passed then.
Looks like roughly 60 owners participating at this point
They established three committees:
Committee on Roads – discussing whether or not to allow state to pave roads, voted against because they felt it would make their roads “public”.
Sanitation & Water – discussing violations of “cottages” not have septic tanks or water and that those neighbors would be reported to the Health Department of Troy.
Building Committee – 55 “cottages” in development and they voted to allow mobile homes that are permanently attached.
1972 (no minutes, just financials)
50 owners participating
1973 (no minutes, just financials)
Bank is Wachovia Bank and Trust
Mostly just an accounting of dues received and bills paid – grass cutting, road grading, clean up labor and misc office supplies
37 owners participating
1974 (no minutes, just financials)
Expenses the same and pier is built
59 owners participating
1975 (no minutes, just financials)
Moved bank account to Greensboro National Bank
Expenses remain the same
Roughly 63 owners participating
Expenses remain the same
Roughly 52 owners participating
Expenses remain the same, and a donation to the Badin Lake Voluntary Fire Department is now included
Hard to tell from document but it appears roughly 40 owners participating
Expenses remain the same but a PO Box and stamps are added and President is being compensated for travel
Signage is being installed – not clear on where/what
There are some notes stating they need to get a map from AR Kelsey, get a directory from the county clerk, and want lot numbers put on corners of properties.
Expenses remain the same
Scraping roads to bring them up to state specifications.
Pier repair
Again, hard to tell from document but it appears roughly 35 owners participating
Discussing signage and where to put it
Entrance road has now been paved
Speed limit signs of 35mph installed
Neighborhood watch signs requested
Putting together a list of homes that can be rented. At this time only part time living was authorized in the neighborhood. (?)
It’s clear they are keeping roads maintained as well as dock area with gravel and grading
Expenses now include an annual $75 to the beauticians lodge to meet there
Watch signs are installed
Looks like roughly 60 owners participating
Dock signs installed – unclear on what they are
Pier extended to 20’
Pier light is installed
Expense for lights through Randolph now showing
Notes 121 owners participating
Road work
Pier repairs
Notes 113 owners participating
First decals sent out to owners to identify people at dock
Trying to pave Skyline and discuss having to meet minimum requirements of homes on road
Looking for bank where there are no fees and can possibly obtain interest
Discussion of installing a 6 slip pier
Signage on 109 was removed by NCDOT as it was installed in ROW
Talking to county about dog control – leash law, or possibly having animal control drive the neighborhood to pick up animals
Discussing building new pier as the current one is hazardous
There is a Watch Committee reporting on break ins
There is a Roads Committee overseeing the paving of Skyline
Request for more speed limit signs throughout neighborhood
Received estimate of $4000 for 6 slip pier
First discussion of owners not paying dues and the possibility of raising the dues
Replacing dock ramp – 6’x50’
Anonymous letter received citing concern over deed restrictions, changing meeting dates, and mailing the financials after every meeting. They voted to keep meetings at same time and a financial report would be sent the end of every year.
Need 35-45 residents on Skyline to get it paved
Guidelines for full time living in neighborhood have been implemented by the state. (?)
New regulations for septic systems put in place by state
Protesting new pier regulations in regard to safety and finances
Approval of sewage line given to Mr. Hasen going through one of the ROW’s.
Discussion of how to get new owners to pay dues and get more people involved at meetings
Property taxes increased and they discuss that this is a good thing
Discussion of charging for dock use to the public; having someone on duty to collect money
Discussion of off duty security officer to patrol area
Pier Fund created – 55 owners contributed
States 300 are paying dues – discussing that all 500 need to pay. I would assume this is actual lots as opposed to unique ownerships as the financials report 111 members have paid.
Reiteration that dock is only open to DS residents with decals – not for public use
Forward movement with getting Skyline paved – was approved by NCDOT
Side roads needed to be scraped and graveled, but funds not available
Discussion that lot owners of side roads should pay dues since those roads are being maintained
Mr. Hanson given permission to run 150’ sewer line from Lot 49A to 362. This is going beneath Skyline Rd to the lot located at Shoreline Rd and N Shoreline Dr. Doesn’t mention permitting.
Decals for dock access passed out to owners – agreed there would be no restrictions on how they were distributed
New signs in two places – not noted where
Building restrictions are based on county requirements
Noted 107 members paid dues
Skyline will be paved in 1991
Discussion of parking problems at dock. Public is parking there to fish and it’s preventing lot owners from accessing area; agree to place warning stickers on these vehicles
President goes to County Court House and County Attorney to address a home being built outside of original deed restrictions
Discussion about something Badin Lake Realty is doing and that property owners are encouraged to keep their properties
20 people present at meeting
Noted 137 members paid dues
Pier fee is discussed and President cites that DS has had the fee waived
Road maintenance completed; discussed paving side roads but funds are not available
Discussion that further maintenance in the community can only occur if dues are raised
Discussion of more social functions for neighbors
All committees report:
Watch – some neighbors report damage, call Sheriff;
Social – neighbors don’t want to get together on holidays, maybe June or August;
Road – Skyline in queue to be paved
Noted 115 members paid dues
Everyone encouraged to support Badin Lake Fire Department financially
Voted to increase annual dues in 1993 - $25 for improved, $10 for unimproved
Start to canvas neighborhood with house to house visits encouraging owners to participate
Paying Ms. Brown $40 for secretarial services – not sure what this is
Minutes for only one meeting - concerns expressed are low water flow on Pine, installing a trailer on Dogwood and work on the pier.
Yadkin, Inc is now charging DSA $20 for pier
Side roads and dock area continue to be maintained
First discussions of the condition of some properties. Burnt down, dilapidated or abandoned. Request for formal report so they can report to the state for health and safety reasons.
Repairs needed at dock, but water too high.
Yadkin, Inc sent permit for dock area
Beautification Committee established: want to build prominent signage and add flowers
Sending out survey to see what the neighbors would like to do in the way of recreational activities
It is noted that there are 600 members (I’m assuming now owned lots) and that better participation would allow the association to do more
It is asked if DSA can sell its lots. President stated, per the original agreement, the association properties could not be sold. Discussed whether it could be leased. This brought up further discussion on whether there could be improvements made on these lots, which led to the questioning of who had the original bylaws. It was suggested that Mr. Kenneth Lee, Mr. GW Roland, Mr. Julius or Mr. John Mitchell may have them. They acknowledge that some lots were originally zoned commercial (which is true) and they wanted to know where those lots were.
First association directory listing is proposed – cost to have one $2
Determined that letters would be sent to the state in regards to undesirable properties
Suggested letters be sent to owners to upkeep their properties
Pier permit renewed
Minor repairs on ramp would be completed
Repetitive concerns: upkeep of side roads, improve dock area, Pine St, reinforce concrete ramp
Request for volunteers to create a ByLaws Committee
History of DS discussed
Accounts moved to Mutual Community Savings Bank
Many concerned about collection of dues, President articulates that DSA has no authority for such action (to enforce collection)
Noted 137 members paid dues
It is reported that all lots that had conditions not in keeping with the DS deed restrictions be reported. This info would be collected and submitted to Phil Henley (I think he was a county inspector) for condemnation proceedings. States it will be a lengthy process, but cleanup is necessary.
Approval for side roads to be paved and dock afterwards, if financially able
Dorothy Joyner, President of Beauticians Lodge wants to purchase “church lot” across from them to utilize for parking. President reiterates that DSA has no authority to sell the common (ROW) lots, but that the Beauticians Lodge could clear it off for parking. (How did this lot get sold?)
More discussion about appearance of neighborhood and the run down properties. It is advised that owners contact the County Health Department to address or write letters to appropriate agencies
Noted 120 members paid dues
No committee reports
Suggested concept of a “300 Club” to peak interest in participation
Discussing decal sticker again to identify owners
Growing and repetitive concern about lack of care of some properties and the lack of participation in paying dues
Discuss going door to door again, putting signs up a few weeks in advance of meetings, having a Dixie Shores Day (not on a holiday)
Mr. Curtis is going to formulate a plan to organize clearing of properties
Beautification Committee appears to be stalling
No reports from other committees as well
Pinehaven is closing their marina
Noted 194 members paid dues
Beautification Committee is disbanded for lack of activity and volunteers
Signs to be installed several days prior to meeting dates
Mr. and Mrs. Walden were to represent DSA to the Montgomery County Health Department regarding repairs and removal of undesirable structures located in neighborhood. Meeting was held and letters were to be sent to owners who had such lots. After owners were notified they would have 14 days to respond. It appears it was a 2 year process.
Discussion of new entrance signage needed on Blaine Rd
Discussion of setting a date to clean “areas” – not clear on what/where these areas were
Sewer coming - $1500 to be paid in advance
Noted 123 members paid dues
Now a Sign Committee is in place – received bid for red brick signage and it was passed to move forward. Discussion on whether more than one bid was received. Everyone is busy and it was brought up that this has been going on since 1968. Signage was needed. It is stated that in the future bushes and flowers will be installed around the signage.
Discussion of continuing public use of dock and that people ignore the “no trespassing” signs. Vehicles used to tow boats are causing damage to dock area. Sometimes there is so much public use that owners can’t access the dock themselves. Possible solutions are provided:
Gate at boat ramp
18’ gate at entrances to boat dock
Boat launch secured with posts and heavy cable along the road front with gate for entrance
30’ fence with gate across road front
Spring loaded fence
Further discussion about how to enforce and what the liability issues would be. Past President Carlson reiterated that DSA has common areas but does not own them. It is the guardian. It is shared that ropes and keys have been used in the past, but they were just pulled up.
Continued discussion about run down homes and properties that need to be cleaned up. Pictures were taken and sent to County who had sent out letters to owners. It was shared the County would file a lien on properties that were not compliant.
It’s suggested that a newsletter be started to keep all neighbors updated since not everyone attends the meetings
Decals for dock provided when dues were paid
134 members have paid
There’s a question that comes up about parking on the easement (hillside) for lake front property owners. It is stated that this is private property cited under Rights of Way Lake Forest Badin Lake Corporation. (?)
2000 (no minutes, only financials)
145 members paying for 217 lots
Still discussing condition of neighborhood and asking for all abandoned trailers or campers to be reported. Suggestion of taking pictures of homes, junk or properties and send in to appropriate authorities asking for enforced cleanup. Called eyesores and a health hazard. Fifteen properties identified.
Still discussing how to secure dock area to prevent public use
Decals still being used, but not deterring the public
Putting warning notices under windshields of vehicles or speaking to people personally
Suggestion for steel post with each neighbor being given a key
Discussion about replacing the pier
Address numbers have to be displayed for 911 services
Funds for Boat Ramp and Signage have been created
Beauticians Lodge ups rent to $25/meeting and $50/meeting if the HVAC is used; can no longer ensure Saturday availability; will not provide keys to DSA
Discussion of speaking with NCDOT to remove limbs from drainage ditches; owners are asked to remove them
Discussion of speed signs to be installed. Petition is signed for 25mph. Sheriff will enforce if signs are posted.
Pier repaired
Discussion of loose dogs running around and the danger it poses
Handy Sanitary is starting the Badin Lake Sewer Project
143 members paying
2002 (no minutes, only financials)
157 members paying
Pier repairs
2003 (no minutes, only financials)
174 members paying
Picnic tables purchased (where are they?)
Sewer Project moving forward and owners should receive a letter from Handy. Appears there are discussion with Troy as well.
Signage for dock area installed – this was the large white warning sign
Surveys have to be completed before road repair can be done on side roads to maintain integrity with property lines
Cove clean up is scheduled, but it’s unclear on what this is
Discussion about “special grants” given to those who don’t live in Dixie Shores to use the dock area. This was given to people who live close by. It is tabled for future discussion. At a later meeting it is discussed whether people who live on Charlotte should be given access to the dock. It’s tabled again.
Getting estimates on electric gate for dock
Alcoa has notified DSA that liability insurance will be required in 2008 and quotes are being obtained to start proactively planning
Accepting not just dues, but owners can contribute to specific projects if they prefer
Bylaws are brought back up for discussion again.
Church St receives approval for repair
July 4th DS had a fireworks show and monies were raised to purchase them
DSA had a “Fun Day” in August
Discussion of a Membership Drive (fundraiser)
Continued discussion about loose dogs and the growing problem
Continued discussion about road and dock repairs being needed
Noted that there are 617 lots and 315 have contributed – financials show 171 members paying
2005 (no minutes, only financials)
168 members paying
2006 (no minutes, only financials)
Road repairs done
162 members paying
2007 (no minutes, only financials)
147 members paying
Still waiting on Sewer Project to begin. Cost to connect has risen.
Signage was vandalized and had been repaired.
100 members paid dues
Looking for an attorney to represent the association if there was ever a problem. Doesn’t note why this has come up or what they’re referencing.
Apparently Handy started sewer project in 2001 and has been inundated with problems. Connect is now $7500 and it takes 18 months for installation. Hardship offer available. Installation will begin in July.
Continued conversation about the dock area being accessed by the public and the challenges it creates. Revisited all the old proposals of options to secure the dock area. Pamela Carlson states she will review all suggestions and provide designs and costs at September meeting. At that meeting it is just discussed again and tabled until the next meeting in April of 2010.
Discussion about the DS history. Arthur Crews stated that it was started by Dixie Shores Corporation which was closed down in 1959.
Noted that there needs to be more than one signatory on the association checking account
It is suggested that a website be created and that an email address be used for communication. is created.
Discussion about Church Rd being torn up from construction equipment. Talk about putting up some kind of barrier.
Accounts moved to M&F Bank
123 members paid dues
Alcoa insurance requirement is now being paid - $2300
106 members paid dues
Boat ramp needs repair. Someone was hired to do so, but work not completed – and work done cited as faulty.
More gravel is needed on Church St
Continued conversation about the need to raise dues and the lack of participation
Continued conversation about the public use of the dock area. Decals useful in identifying owners, but not deterring use. Pamela is still researching options.
President has called on officers to engage an attorney to draw up Association Documents
NCDOT being contacted to fix ditches Handy took out
Besides insurance largest expense is printing - $1000
136 members paying dues
Badin Lake Fire Dept makes proposal to DSA about a fireboat storage facility at dock area. Want to lease land, are willing to cover insurance and maintenance of dock area. Will assist in faster response time on water. Proposal was declined.
Still researching dock security options. Continued use of decals and warning notices – not working.
Still discussing road repairs and dock maintenance that are needed and it’s noted that this cannot be accomplished until there is more participation in dues
It’s noted that the dues were kept at a moderate level to get everyone to participate but you can always contribute more to the various funds
103 members paid dues
Heavy construction equipment (assuming the sewer project?) has caused severe damage to side streets and they are in need of serious repair
Liability insurance is $2,500
Continued discussion about how to engage more owners, attendance at meetings and improving the neighborhood
Handy project still going on and it is noted it could be another 2 years before it’s completed
Discussed doubling the membership dues to $20/undeveloped lot and $50/developed lot. Did not pass.
Continued conversation about the condition of the roads and the need for repair
It is asked again if anyone has a copy of the original Bylaws – a Mr. Tyler says he might and will look for it
It is suggested again that the meetings not be held on holidays
It is asked if there is a neighborhood directory. While done in the past it is stated that it is time consuming and costly and it’s suggested that a fee be charged to obtain one
119 members paid dues
It was requested that James Woody cut grass every other week. Motion was not passed
Discussed liability concerns with teens riding four wheelers in the dock area
Signage is broken and needs to be repaired
Children swimming unsupervised in dock area
NCDOT states that the owners are responsible for keeping ditch areas clean
It is noted that there are no funds to make any road repairs
Liability insurance is $1900
Discussion on making DSA an actual HOA. President suggests copying documents and verbiage from another local HOA to make dues mandatory. Currently only about a third of owners are participating.
It’s proposed again to double the membership dues to $20/undeveloped lot and $50/developed lot. It passes this time.
Handy Sanitary project supposed to be completed in 2015; not mandatory. Many problems.
Complaint about Church Rd needing repairs
It is noted that since the Alcoa insurance requirement it has strangled the association in being able to make repairs. Huge expense.
Motioned that dues notice go out in January, instead of right before the spring meeting – it is passed.
116 members paid dues
Ongoing confusion about Handy. It is stated that they are going to get a representative to come speak to the neighbors.
Pier repairs
Church Rd has some minor work done
Continued discussion on getting more owners participating
Liability insurance is $2000
97 members paid dues
12 members present at April meeting
14 members present at July meeting
Meetings continue to be Easter weekend, July 4th weekend and Labor Day weekend
Pier rebuilt and ramp repaired
It is noted that DSA is exempt from paying taxes on the ROW’s
Alcoa charging $500 for pier permit now - $250 for boat ramp and $250 for pier
Alcoa has increased liability requirement from $1M to $5M
Continued discussion on getting more owners participating and why there’s been a decline
Road repair discussed again, and it’s noted there are no funds to repair
Committee meeting was held – it appears this was created to come up with a solution for road repair. Discussion is around getting more people involved and how to do that, getting estimates on cost, understanding annual budget.
Liability insurance is $4800
111 members paid dues
Beverly Earle is investigating whether the state can help clean up DS
President met with NCDOT. Need to create 30’ wide passage on roads. This is required to bring roads up to standard.
Cedar, Oak and Church need to be repaired first. Roads were last repaired in 2005.
Estimates for Church road repair: $9300
Still discussing how to involve more owners
Sign at pier knocked down and put back up
President creates a committee to draft Bylaws to be presented at April 2018 meeting. It is suggested they be reviewed by an attorney prior to adoption. Trish Nelson, Allan Dick, Beverly Early, Ray Crosby, Ed Clayton, Willie Muschatt, Paul Foster and Merrie Foster are the members of the committee.
Discuss fundraiser to bring additional revenue to the association. Suggestion of a 50/50 Lottery.
DSA purchased picnic tables for one of the lots in 2003. Apparently a lot was cleared off and these were set up.
Liability insurance is $4400
109 members paid dues and Treasurer is now personally covering bills.
It is proposed that membership dues notices go out in December with a due date of February 15th. Stated they would go out in January.
Decals are no longer being used because of cost.
Still discussing security measures for dock area to keep the public out
Regurgitation of all the issues all over again – Committee still discussing
Liability insurance is $4800
Dock permit is now $700
108 members paid dues
A draft of Bylaws is passed out at meeting for input. Six people in attendance. Articles VI.3, VII.3 and IV.1 were challenged. It was requested that it be tabled so owners had time to review.
Because insurance costs had doubled there is more discussion about raising dues. It is tabled for the next meeting.
Treasurer has advanced $1,789.49 and wants to be reimbursed. It is agreed, but not motioned or passed.
Liability insurance is $4700
Dock permit can’t be paid
114 members paid dues
2020 (no minutes or financials)
Still discussing ways to increase participation
Insurance is $4800
Seems the Fire Department is back, but it’s unclear on what the proposal is
Five people in attendance in July
114 members paid dues Adding this photo in as memory of our very first facebook post on the group.