Hi neighbors!
Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine and gearing up for a fun holiday weekend with friends and family!
My initial thought was to not have the July meeting this year but was overruled by the other board members. (I'm smiling as I say that!) So while this is late notice, we will have a very short meeting this Saturday, July 1st, at 11am. The Beauticians Lodge is not available as they had no one available to open it, so we'll hold the meeting outside. (FYI, apple cider vinegar is great at warding off mosquitoes! Just put it on like you would lotion.)
We'll try to keep it under 30 minutes - will give a quick update, provide opportunity for questions, and allow more neighbors to join the association by paying the Membership Fee of $40. and/or contribute to either the Dock Fund or Road Fund.
For those that can't make the meeting, I'm also providing the update below:
The Default Judgement has been filed and we're waiting on the courts response. If they give us a thumbs up, we're done; but if they require a hearing, it will be August or later before our date is set. As soon as we hear from the courts, you'll be the first to know! We have $2,712.41 left in a legal retainer.
Thanks to Lisa Neal who responded to the last email that went out about needing an engineer! She referred us to one, and Jonathan Leonard and the engineer are currently tweaking the plans for submission. The connection saved the association over $1000K - thanks again Lisa! Hopefully the plans will be in by next week for permit approval from the county and we'll be on our way to a new pier.
Remember that we have floaters 36x48x16 ($50 each) and a 20' gangway and hardware ($2,500) for sale. These funds will go into the Dock Fund to help with the building of the new pier.
We currently have $6,593.99 in our account. $3,258.00 of that is the Dock Fund and $155.00 of it is the Road Fund, leaving $3,180.99 in operational funds. Our required Dock/Association insurance is due in July and the cost is $2,700.00. This means we have 480.99 left over to operate with. Our electric bills are $40 per month, which equates to $240.00, leaving only another $240 to cover any additional expenses for the rest of the year. It appears we will have to cancel maintenance of the dock area and our signage area on Blaine Rd unless someone would like to step up and take over it in a volunteer capacity. We will also close the PO Box, and mail outs of information will no longer be an option (the cost of printing, paper, envelopes and stamps is not sustainable). This of course can change if more neighbors would join the Association. Please make sure to let everyone know how important this is. We can't do it without each other!
See you Saturday, and if not, have a safe and wonderful July 4th week!
Rose Hammer
Dixie Shores Association