9/2/2023 Meeting Notes
Beauticians Lodge
Board Members present:
Rose Hammer, DSA President
Amber Garlatz, DSCA President
Dawn Morton, DSCA Vice President
Keith Textor, DSCA Treasurer
Membership Quorum achieved. Twenty-three (23) members of one hundred and ten (110) dues paying members present at the lodge or on Facebook Live. Roll call here.
I Member sign in and registration
Confirmed paying members
Provided voting ballots to paying members
Those interested in joining sent to the treasurer
New Members:
Joe Salmons Lot # 6 - 2023 dues - leftyace29@yahoo.com, $40
Ed and Joyia Clayton -254 N Shoreline Dr jaclayton54@gmail.com and edclayton1583@hotmail.com, $200
Pam Carlson 456 Shoreline, pamelacarlson55@gmail.com , $40
Scott and Sherry Johnson, 271 Shoreline Rd, $100 dock fund, scottjohnson@rtmc.net
Ivy Little, $40 membership, 286 Shoreline Road, hofflittle7@gmail.com
Total collections - $420
Dock - $160
Membership - $160
Mowing - $100
II Introductions
Rose introduced the meeting, welcomed the attendees (present and on Facebook Live) and kicked off a 5 min exercise for those present to mingle and meet someone new.
Folders with key documents such as bylaws, Robert's rules of Order, prior meeting minutes, financial statements, etc were passed out in a packet to all present.
Prior meeting minutes handed out to all members present
Minutes accepted by Keith Textor and Dawn Morton
The DSA merge into DSCA was reviewed by Rose Hammer
Discussed the resolution of ownership of the common areas
Dixie Shores Realty never transferred ownership to Dixie Shores Association (DSA)
Old meeting minutes from the DSA appears to acknowledge the DSA was a management association but not an owners association
Steve Vining, attorney, assisted in getting the courts and State of NC to recognize DSA as owners of the common areas.
The merge was needed to remove confusion and clearly recognize Dixie Shores Community Association (DSCA) as the owner of the common areas moving forward.
DSCA Bylaws
Rose announced that the new DSCA Bylaws were completed, approved and are included in the packet handed out to all members present.
Robert's Rules of Order
Rose Hammer covered the meeting rules of engagement with the audience
Rose announced the official Board of Directors change over
DSA members stepping down
DSCA members taking over
The meeting was passed over to Amber Garlatz, DSCA President
Amber announced the existence of a new mailing address for DSCA and the location of the mailbox at 264 N Shoreline Drive which is also the address of the Dixie Shores Pier
Amber reviewed the current Membership situation
Talked about our current membership
We have ~280 property owners of ~530 lots
Today we have ~110 paying members
Rose reviewed the balance sheet included in the packet
At this point, we are short of required expenses to operate the neighborhood by ~$2,000.
We have an annual budget on the order of $6,400
We need at least 55-60 more to meet our current operational expenses
Rose noted that if we get all ~280 property owners to contribute $40/year we will have about a $5,000/year surplus.
Dock Fund Committee
Dock Committee Presentation by Jonathan Leonard
Jonathan presented the dock repair project and the committee.
The Dock Committee:
Jonathan Leonard - Chairman
Jim Andrews
Jay Pridgen
Jackie Blackmon
Presented the 16’ x 16’ donated aluminum floating dock and gangway
We were able to sell the gangway and 6/8 floaters for $2,000
Shared the creation and approval of engineering drawings
We have permit from both Cube and Montgomery County
We have six months timeline to first inspection from permit approval
In order to replace the entire 6’ x 48’ pier decking, the construction of a third 8’ x 16’ aluminum section and purchase of necessary aluminum planks was required.
At this point the Dock Fund is in the hole ~$224 for committed materials and labor..
To finish the project we need another ~$7,635.
None discussed
We need Volunteers to continue to drive change
DSCA Board Secretary - Amber solicited candidates for becoming the DSCA Secretary
Susan Blackmon volunteered and was accepted by those present.
Road Fund Committee Chair - Amber solicited candidates for leading the road assessment and fund.
DSCA Website Admin - DixieShores.org
Need to be both a landowner and have paid your annual dues to gain access to the site and get access to all the documentation.
Divide and Conquer - Talked about the divide and conquer idea. Identify 10–15 people to swarm their nearby neighbors to make them aware of the work we are doing and to convince them to participate.
Dock Access Discussion
Vehicle/Trailer Identification
Amber discussed getting two (2) stickers per car.
Amber noted that ALL property owners can use the pier regardless of a paid membership to the DSCA.
Amber discussed the idea of Dock Cops to monitor vehicles and boats at the dock
Reasonable level of interest from the audience present to restrict non-property owners from accessing our Dock
Enforcement options
911 – Trespassing We can call the Montgomery County Sheriff now that we own the property
Verbal warnings or affixing flyers to automobiles as a warning
Towing - Tow companies will not tow due to distance and trailers
Boots - requires a owner to boot, collect fees and remove the boot
Barnacle - Device that affixes to the automobile window and allows the collection of the fine, and removal of the device remotely.
Nearby neighbors
Introduced the ideas of allowing nearby neighbors (e.g. Charlotte Dr) to pay a fee to leverage our Dock.
There are two memberships available in the bylaws.
Voting members - must be a Dixie Shores property owner and pay your annual dues
Non-voting members - can join to use the Dock but have no voting rights.
AirB&B and VRBO homes in the neighborhood
Do we charge extra to these rental units?
Are these people truly guests?
Parking - need to consider how to better manage and control parking at the Dock
Montgomery County Ordinance enforcement - Rose discussed how to send hazards and concerns to the county via Michael Burroughs. Rose included a form in the packet.
New Ideas:
Place a sign stating that “NEW DOCK COMING!”
Close the dock to drive people to take action.
How to create an electronic means to send DSCA funds (Zelle, QBs, Venmo).
Create a Dock access control committee.
Day pass for the dock (Y/N)?
Electronic gate in front of the Dock?
Unplanned votes:
Did not vote on non-member access to the Dock
Joyia Clayton motioned not to vote on non-member access (AirB&B, VRBO) today. Let a committee study and make recommendations at future meetings.
Ed Clayton second the motion
Close DOCK to reduce risk and accelerate repairs.
Joyia Clayton motioned to close the dock on November 1st, 2023
Ed Clayton 2nd the motion
Antonio made a 3rd motion
All present said aye